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Alleviating Stress with PEMF


It is estimated that stress is responsible for 70% of the problems doctors have to deal with

Stress - a major issue

One of the biggest challenges we face today is stress. Stress is psychological pain caused by strain and pressure in life. Stress can be beneficial when it encourages healthy behaviour in athletic performance. It can be motivational. It can be a defence mechanism that triggers a fight-or-flight response. 


When the body is under stress, the brain is triggered to administer adrenalin into the blood along with sugars the body has stored so that the muscles can be energized for immediate action. Some organs will slow down, and blood will be retracted from the stomach so it can be used elsewhere. This will sometimes create a feel in of nausea as the body needs to re-appropriate its resources and therefore, it may vomit the contents of the stomach to use the blood for more immediate needs. 


However, excessive stress can lead to bodily harm, especially when there appears to be no way out of a situation. Stress causes reactions in the body such as an increased heart rate, sweating, clammy feeling, and increased breathing, and over time it can lead to anxiety attacks, heart disease and diabetes. Stress has also been linked to fatigue, immune problems, anxiety and depression. It is estimated that stress is responsible for 70% of the problems doctors have to deal with. 


Stress can also trigger unhealthy behaviour used by people to cope with stress. This can include overeating or eating foods that trigger brain chemistry that is temporarily calming (i.e. comfort foods, junk foods). People also turn to alcohol or drugs to cope with the pressure. Many drugs are prescribed by physicians and can lead to addiction. 


Some other side effects of stress are insomnia, irritability, headaches, high blood pressure (hypertension), irregular heart beat (arrhythmia), fatigue, asthma,  rashes, hyperventilation, and a host of other issues.

PEMF : A viable treatment for stress

Research has shown that daily PEMF therapy can alter stress responses by acting directly on the nervous system, glands, cells, tissues, and organs. By working on the hypothalamus and increasing urine excretion of adrenaline, PEMF has been shown to inhibit activation of the sympathetic nervous system and adrenal glands while preventing a decrease in the body’s ability to resist stress. With the sustained use of pulsed magnetic therapies, the excitability of the nervous system also decreases, and emotional reactions accompanying stress are corrected. Long-term use of PEMF may be able to help the body remodel tissues that tend to be hyper-reactive to chronic or acute stress so that, over time they will become less and less reactive.


Curatron has very effective treatments to relieve anxiety and stress and treat post-traumatic stress. The anti-stress protocols have been noted to reduce hypertension; a doctor reported the following success regarding a patient:


“Blood pressure was 148/93. The patient was anxious looking, he is known hypertensive with sub optimal control. We put him on PEMF (anti-anxiety) for 30 min. His blood pressure dropped to 132/78, he says he felt calmer than when he got to the clinic.” (Dr. L. Adebayo.)


Bringing the patient’s blood pressure from “high” to an “ideal/pre-high” blood pressure was very beneficial to the patient and reduced his anxiety significantly. Anxiety is a trigger for migraines, so both the trigger (cause) and the migraine (effect) can be treated.



PEMF can decrease hypertension

Curatron Systems for Stress

Curatron has built-in settings such as anti-anxiety, anti-stress, relaxation, and depression. Often a person will feel a release of tension in the stomach area (where stress is often held), followed by a feeling of relief and relaxation during a PEMF treatment for stress.


Curatron PEMF is non-addictive and can help calm the nervous system and help provide balance without medication or unhealthy habits.

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