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Treating Diabetes with PEMF

Treating Diabetes with PEMF

Treating Diabetes with PEMF

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422 million people suffered from Diabetes in 2013​

PEMF Stimulates Cartilage Regrowth​

Diabetes is a growing problem worldwide. According to the World Health Organization, there were approximately 422 million people in 2013 who suffered from Diabetes. (1)  


Most people stumble across their diabetes due to symptoms that they begin experiencing. According to the Mayo Clinic (2) these include:

  • Frequent urination.

  • Excessive thirst.

  • Increased hunger.

  • Slow-healing sores or frequent infections


Complications include

  • Lack of interest and concentration.

  • A tingling sensation or numbness in the hands or feet (neuropathy)

  • Blurred vision.

Personal Battle

This was certainly the case for me, waking from a deep sleep with “knives and axes” attacking my feet, never mind pins and needles!  At first, I thought something was biting me. After doing a thorough search of the bed, I realized the only other living being in it was my wife, so I started to look online. I quickly found that neuropathy (pain in the feet) is often due to diabetes. I was sure I didn’t have it until I read the list of symptoms and realized I had most of them.

I went to my doctors and asked to be tested for diabetes. Diabetes is diagnosed based on the A1C which measure the amount of sugar in the blood.

  • 70-100 mg/dl (miligrams per decilitre) or 3.9-5.5 mmol/l (Millimoles Per Litre) is the normal range for blood sugar.

  • 101-125 mg/dl or 5.6-7.0 mmol/l is termed pre-diabetic

  • over 125 mg/dl or 7.1 mmol/l is considered diabetic.


My A1C blood level was measured at 175.68 mg/dl or 9.75 mmol/l. My doctor called me the next day and informed me I was classified as a Type 2 Diabetic.


An meter to measure blood levels every day

Glucose in our bodies is stored in the liver and released as needed

High Blood Pressure Contributes to Dementia

It is worth taking a few minutes to understand how the body uses sugar. Sugar or glucose is the fuel that cells use for energy. It is metabolized by the body to produce ATP (adenosine tri-phosphate) which is the energy that powers the cells of the body.

The glucose in our blood comes from two sources:

  1. The food that we eat

  2. The liver (which stores sugars)


In order for the cells to metabolize glucose, (meaning to take it in and use it), they need insulin. Insulin is a chemical key that unlocks the cells and allows the sugars to enter. The pancreas is the organ in the body that creates insulin.

When all these components function well together the body has a healthy metabolism. If the components of this system do not operate properly the result can be diabetes.

Diabetes is the result of too much sugar or glucose in the blood.

High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)

There are different reasons why too much sugar can be building up in the blood. The first is that the pancreas does not create enough insulin to unlock the cells to receive the sugars. This is termed Type 1 Diabetes.

The second is when the cells become resistant to insulin, or the insulin cannot reach the cells due to too much fat coating the cells, not allowing the insulin to work and the sugar to be metabolized.  This is known as Type 2 Diabetes.

In this case your pancreas works overtime to create more insulin. The insulin can be  blocked from unlocking the cells due to too much fat coating the cells and preventing insulin from being used and sugars from being metabolized. This creates a vicious cycle, because the body stores excess insulin in the visceral fat (or fat surrounding the organs). More insulin can result in more fat, and more fat can block the insulin from unlocking the cells. 

Causes of type 2 diabetes can be:

  1. Too much sugar or carbohydrates being consumed and overloading the system.

  2. Not enough exercise to use up the sugars and reduce the fat content in the body

  3. Being overweight (due to both of the above), but not necessarily

  4. A fatty liver that cannot clear the fat from the blood, and consequently the cells are coated with fat and cannot absorb glucose


There are many symptoms that result from diabetes.

  1. Neuropathy

  2. Decreased metabolism resulting in a lack of energy

  3. Poor circulation resulting in wounds and ulcers


The pancreas creates insulin which unlocks the cells to allow sugars in.

Mylene sheath that protects the axon is damaged by sugars causing neuropathy.

Treating Neuropathy with PEMF

The over abundance of sugar in the body ends up attaching itself to the nerves, usually in the appendages (hands and feet). The bodies defence mechanism detects sugar as an intruder and dispatches white blood cells to attack it. The problem with this is the white blood cells also attack the nerves the sugars are attached to. This causes neuropathy, the nerve pain and numbness many diabetes suffers experience in their feet and hands.

The pain in my feet since I had diabetes had been quite severe. I had lost significant feeling in my toes, and was afflicted with “knives and axes” at times. It was during this time that I became involved with Curatron and PEMF. 

PEMF can help with neuropathy in several ways:

  1. It prevents the neurons from firing and sending the pain messages to the brain

  2. It stimulates natural endorphin production to reduce pain

  3. It helps increase metabolism getting to the root cause


Using Curatron I treated my feet with settings such as neuropathy (nerve pain), pain therapy, and neurosclerosis (hardening of the nerves). The pain in my feet subsided, and eventually disappeared. The feeling has now begun to return as the nerves heal. I have much more sensation than I once did.

Now, while my story might be interesting, here’s a little scientific study to throw into the mix. In a study entitled “The use of pulsed electromagnetic fields in treatment of patients with diabetic polyneuropathy,” researchers reported the following: 

Application of PEMF facilitated regression of the main clinical symptoms of DPN (or diabetic polyneuropathy), improved the conductive function of peripheral nerves, improved the state of Type I(a) afferents (sensory fibers), and improved the reflex excitability of functionally diverse motoneurons in the spinal cord. PEMF at 10 Hz was found to have therapeutic efficacy, especially in the initial stages of  diabetic polyneuropathy, and in patients with  diabetes mellitus for up to 10 years. (3)

Exercise & Increased Metabolism

When I found out I was diabetic, I had let my weight get the better of me and was clocking in at 265 lbs, for a height of 5’10. I had been working in a stressful industry, I had been drinking way too many soft drinks and graduated to energy drinks loaded with sugar and caffeine to get through the day. I did not realize that the high sugar volume I was consuming was making me more tired and thirsty.


Like most diabetics, I was immediately prescribed Metformin and Glicazide along with some cholesterol reducing medications. My doctor was brutally honest with me, for which I am thankful, and challenged me to try and treat my diabetes by diet and exercise.

I went to the diabetic clinic where I was counselled on diet and exercise. The nurses told my wife and I that I was diabetic for life, and that the condition could not be reversed. My wife was very angry with this diagnosis, especially when she looked around the room and discovered that most attendees were at least 10 years older than I was.

In the medical community, it is accepted that Diabetes, once diagnosed is “for life”, because patients refuse to take charge of changing their lifestyle. Treatment begins with the chain-prescription of medications beginning with Metformin, followed by Glicazide (these are biguanides and sulfonylureas which may be accompanied by meglitinides, thiazolidnediones and alpha-glucosidase inhibitors). Eventually insulin injections are introduced, and the amount administered increases over time.

When I first pricked my finger to take my blood levels I clocked in at 253.8 mg/dl (milligrams per deciliter) or 14.1 mmol/l (Millimoles Per Litre). I hate needles. It was enough for me to prick my finger 5 times a day, let alone face shooting up with insulin down the road.

My wife and I decided follow the diabetes diet and lifestyle religiously and hopefully put an end to the medications, and avoid insulin shots. I had worked to get my weight down to 235 lbs.


Metformin and Glicazide are traditionally prescribed at first, but eventually insulin injections may be required.

Metabolism stabilization resulted in some patients in reduced blood sugar.​

PEMF and Metabolism

A large part of the problem with diabetes is the slowdown in metabolism. PEMF stimulates the cells to operate at normal function

  • Increasing oxygen uptake

  • Increasing nutrient uptake

  • Increasing metabolism


By positively charging the blood cells, the Rouleux effect (or clumping of the blood cells) is eliminated, and blood can flow through the fine capillaries, taking in oxygen, absorbing nutrients, and delivering them throughout the body.

Curatron has settings such as Oxygenation, Diabetes and Metabolic Deficiency designed for these issues.


Combining PEMF with diet and exercise, we worked hard at this for the following three months, from October to January. In three months, with PEMF, medication (initially), exercise (30-40 minutes per day), and a stricter diabetic diet, we managed to get my weight down to 210 lbs (a further drop of 25 lbs). As a result, my blood glucose counts went down to non-diabetic A1C levels of 88 mg/dl 4.7mmol/l.


After this, under the doctor’s care, I could drop the medications altogether, except the Cholesterol medication (because my doctor wanted some other changes in some of the other measurements). As a result, I was no longer classified as diabetic, although I would be susceptible to diabetes. I had to remain in control, continuing to exercise and eat right. Three months later, I discontinued all medications.


I decided to run my own PEMF experiment. Usually, if I didn’t eat first thing in the morning, my blood sugar level would spike as my liver released sugars into my blood system. So I began a trial, checking my blood each morning when I awoke, treating with PEMF for 30 minutes and then checking it again. When I took my blood sugar after 30 minutes without eating, I was average dropping between .5-1 mmol/l (9-18 mg/dl).


Now, it isn’t just my experiment I would like to share with you. In a study entitled “Magentotherapy in the comprehensive treatment of vascular complications of diabetes mellitus”, the researchers concluded the following:


320 diabetes mellitus patients were exposed to an impulsed magnetic field, 100 control diabetes mellitus patients received conservative therapy alone. 270 patients had microangiopathy (disease of the small vessels), and macroangiopathy (disease of the larger vessels) was diagnosed in 50 patients. Good and satisfactory results of magnetotherapy in combination with conservative methods were achieved in 74% of patients versus 28% in the control group. Metabolism stabilization resulted in some patients in reduced blood sugar. Use of a magnetic field produced a faster and longer response than conservative therapy. (4)


My personal experiment was confirmed by the researchers.

High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)

I had dropped to 210 lbs., but hit a wall.  I did some more research and found Dr. Hamdy of the Joslin Diabetes Centre reported if patients could reduce their initial weight by an average of 24 lbs, after 12 weeks 82% of them could reach a target A1C of less than 7%. Doctors believe that the visceral fat surrounding the organs secretes compounds that promote insulin resistance. The Pancreas creates the insulin, but if the insulin cannot reach the blood cells and help them absorb the sugars in the blood stream then the natural insulin cannot do its job. The pancreas is overworked trying to produce insulin that cannot reach its intended destination. The body creates more fat to store excess insulin. The vicious circle continues.

My goal was to lose the extra weight to keep my diabetes in check. I decided to start an additional nutrition/weight loss program with a respectable company following encouragement from my son. By the end of six months I had dropped to 195 lbs, and had a 34” waist. That was a loss of 70lbs overall and 14 sizes. I continued the program and was able to get my weight down to 184 lbs.


Like many people who have success with weight loss, I became complement after a while. For two years I let myself slide. Then I had a wakeup call. I was became very irritable over trivial things and the pain returned to my feet. My weight had reached 230lbs once again. I swallowed hard broke out my blood meter and pricked my finger. I was hovering around the 10-10.5 mmol/l (180-189 mg/dl).

I was quite depressed at the regression I had experienced, but decided it was time to act once again. However, I was curious as to how my sugar levels had climbed so high.

Fatty Liver and fat coating cells

During this time I injured my rotator cuff, and had to stop one of my favorite exercise activities – swimming. I had been drinking a lot of milk to help with the healing (I thought), introducing more calcium into my system. I began to wonder whether this was also impacting the increase in sugar levels. I did some more research into Diabetes causes. I came across some research that put another slant on things.

Dr. David Pearson, an independent medical researcher had published some articles on diabetes that caught my eye. I had been studying the endocrine system for several unrelated reasons and his research while challenging conventional medicine struck a chord with me. I had been told that diabetes was irreversible, yet I had reversed it. Granted, I had let things go and ended up heading back in the same direction, but I had beaten conventional wisdom at one point.  Dr. Pearson pointed to a different cause to diabetes than is being traditionally treated. According to Dr. Pearson:

“High blood lipids (Fat) are very sticky and coat the outside of your cells, making it very difficult for the glucose to be absorbed by the cells. This is why your blood sugar spikes, and you still feel tired.” (5)

It is high fat and high sugar in the blood that causes Type 2 Diabetes. Type 2 Diabetics have too much insulin in the blood because fat prevents the glucose from entering the cells, and the body keeps producing insulin to unlock the cells. A high fat content in the blood more or less coats the cells. He continues:


“Insulin is how your body deals with excess glucose in the bloodstream…. In order to deal with this excess glucose and protect your body from harm, your pancreas creates insulin which then grabs excess glucose and stores it as fat. This is also the man reason diabetics tend to be overweight. Insulin forces your body to store more fat.

While taking insulin injections does help the body recover from damage caused by high blood sugar, it doesn’t’ address the underlying cause.” (6)

Dr. Pearson argues that a fatty liver, which receives 30% of the blood circulating in your system every minute, is unable to remove harmful toxins.

The goal is the clear the liver of fat, and then enable it to clear out the extra fat in the bloodstream, allowing glucose to be absorbed by the cells and turned into energy, rather than poisoning the blood and causing too much insulin to be produced, for which excess fat is produced to store it.


Insulin takes excess sugars to store as fat

Liver & Kidney Clearing and PEMF

Understanding the role of the liver with diabetes I also began treating my liver with PEMF. Curatron has a liver resonance setting, I undertook to stimulate the liver into operation once again.

I also treated my kidneys with “kidney resonance” to stimulate them to help work in clearing the blood.

This has proven very effective. The cleansing process is underway in and a short time I have reduced my blood sugars to average in the 6.7 – 7.5 mmol/l (120 mg/dl – 130 mg/dl) range and decreasing all the time.

I have increased my exercise again, walking daily, and this time choosing to bike ride.

I had not realized at the time how PEMF could impact my own situation and struggle with diabetes.  The results have proven very favorable.

Diabetic Ulcers and Issues of Low Circulation.

The other area that people living with diabetes face is poor circulation. This can cause ulcers, wounds that do not heal, and rashes. The ulcers can lead to infection and possibly amputation if not treated.


PEMF is very effective at increasing microcirculation due to oxygenation, clearing the infection and aiding healing. In a study entitled “A Magnetic Field in the Combined Treatment of Suppurative Wounds in Diabetes Mellitus”,  the researchers stated:


This study involving 72 people with diabetes with purulent wounds found that magnetic fields aided healing significantly. (7)

Another study in the Romanian Journal of Physiology conducted at the Bucharest hospital reported:

The effect of PEMF on pressure ulcers has been studied on 20 elderly patients, hospitalized and bearing long-standing pressure ulcers… After 2-weeks treatment, bulge healing rate was as follows: under PEMF 85% excellent and 15% very good healing; in the placebo group, 80% no improvement and 20% poor improvement; in the control group, 60% no improvement and 40% poor improvement. PEMF is strongly advised as a modern, uninvasive therapy of great efficiency. (8)

The Curatron system has settings for oxygenation, wound healing and dermatitis, as well as diabetes in general.

Keeping Active – PEMF can help.

Incidentally, following my rotator cuff injury, I began treating my shoulder with PEMF and appropriate supplements to provide the necessary building blocks for repair. Eliminating the Rouleau effect with PEMF gets the supplements and minerals to the areas that require repair, as microcirculation is improved in a low vascular area. As a result, a steady progress has been experienced, and I no longer have any pain, and normal function has returned.

Often this is the case with orthopaedic situations; they can impact the ability to exercise. This also affects diabetes because exercise is a huge part of controlling weight and metabolism. PEMF can help with cartilage regrowth, osteoporosis, arthritis and many other issues that hold us back.


Healthy Skin Cells


Ulcerated Skin Cells

Take Control of Diabetes with PEMF

PEMF has proven very effective in dealing with the causes and effects of diabetes.

Metabolism can stabilized due to oxygenation of the blood, and the cleansing of the liver. This same oxygenation also treats wounds and diabetic ulcers. Neuropathy can be relieved. Not only can the intense pain be alleviated, but PEMF also facilitating nerve repair and healing in the afflicted areas.

With PEMF, a weight loss and nutrition program, exercise, and liver cleansing program it is possible to greatly improve your health and battle diabetes. It is encouraging to learn you can reverse the disease and alleviate the symptoms. So do not give up on your research and your quest for a healthier life. Keep at it, and stay active and healthy. Investigate how PEMF can help you deal with your diabetes.

The challenge remains… keeping it off! 


  1. Global Report on Diabetes, World Health Organization (online) 2016.


  3. The use of pulsed electromagnetic fields in treatment of patients with diabetic polyneuropathy. Authors: Musaev AV, Guseinova SG, Imamverdieva SS. Neurosci Behav Physiol. 2003 Oct;33(8):745-52.

  4. Magentotherapy in the comprehensive treatment of vascular complications of diabetes mellitus. Authors: Kirillov IB, Suchkova ZV, Lastushkin AV, Sigaev AA, Nekhaeva TI. Klinicheskaia Meditsina (Mosk). 1996;74(5):39-41.

  5. David Pearson, Diabetes Free, 2017, p27.

  6. Ibid p27

  7. A Magnetic Field in the Combined Treatment of Suppurative Wounds in Diabetes Mellitus. Authors: R.A. Kuliev & R.F. Babaev. Vestn Khir Im I I Grek, 148(1), January 1992, . 33-36.

  8. Authors: Comorosan S, Vasilco R, Arghiropol M, Paslaru L, Jieanu V, Stelea Fundeni. Bucharest Hospital, Romania. Romania Journal of Physiol., 30 (1-2), 1993, pp. 41-45.

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Curatron products have been approved by health authorities as medical therapy for human applications in the European Community and are certified as medical devices according to the Medical Device Directive. The products are manufactured according to ISO 13485 for Good Manufacturing Practice. In North America the Curatron devices have not been evaluated by the FDA and the products do not claim to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any medical condition. The information provided on this website is not medical advice and readers are encouraged to obtain the help, services and recommendations of doctors and other licensed medical practitioners. By continuing to use this website you agree to our privacy policy.

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