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Mental Health:
Stress, Anxiety, Depression and PEMF


Mental Health: What is Stress?

One of the biggest challenges we face today is stress. Stress is psychological pain caused by strain and pressure in life. Stress can be beneficial when it encourages healthy behaviour in athletic performance; it can be motivational. It can be a defence mechanism that triggers a “fight or flight” response. 


When the body is under stress, the brain is triggered to administer adrenalin into the blood along with sugars the body has stored so that the muscles can be energized for immediate action. Some organs will slow down, and blood will be retracted from the stomach, so it can be used elsewhere. This will sometimes create a feeling of nausea as the body needs to re-appropriate its resources, and therefore, it may vomit the contents of the stomach to use the blood for more immediate needs. 


However, excessive stress can lead to bodily harm, especially when there appears to be “no way out” of a situation. Stress causes reactions in the body such as an increased heart rate, sweating, clammy feeling, increased breathing, and over time it can lead to anxiety attacks, heart disease and diabetes. Stress has also been linked to fatigue, immune problems, anxiety and depression. It is estimated that stress is responsible for 70% of the problems doctors have to deal with. 


Stress can also trigger unhealthy behaviour used by people to cope with stress. This can include overeating or eating foods that trigger brain chemistry that is temporarily calming (i.e. comfort foods, junk foods). People also turn to alcohol or drugs to cope with the pressure. Many drugs are prescribed by physicians and can lead to addiction. 


Some of the other side effects of stress are insomniairritabilityheadacheshigh blood pressure (hypertension), an irregular heartbeat (arrhythmia), fatigueasthmarashes, hyper-ventilation, and a host of other issues.

High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)

Anxiety is a state of constant worry about potential stresses, real or perceived, which can bring on physical symptoms. Anxiety can become long-lasting, which is termed a generalized anxiety disorder. In addition, different phobias can develop which lead to panic disorders. 


According to author Dr. Joseph Mercola in his book What Anxiety Does to Your Brain and What You Can Do About It, anxiety is a healthy and natural response which can become unhealthy if overstimulated:


Anxiety is a natural, normal response to potential threats, which puts your body into a heightened state of awareness. When felt appropriately, anxiety is beneficial and can keep you out of harm’s way… the anxiety you may feel while hiking near a steep drop-off, for instance, will cause you to be more careful and purposeful in your movements.


For an estimated 40 million US adults, however, anxiety may occur even when there’s no real threat, causing unnecessary stress and emotional pain. While many believe anxiety and stress to be the same, persistent anxiety actually evokes quite a different experience in your brain. (1)


Anxiety is a defensive mechanism that is designed to trigger hormones to heighten reflexes, raise the heart rate, and increase circulation to allow you to respond more quickly. Anxiety is usually the result of fear from internal thought mechanisms. The National Institute of Mental Health describes some of the mechanisms involved in anxiety:


“Several parts of the brain are key actors in the production of fear and anxiety… scientists have discovered that the amygdala and the hippocampus play significant roles in most anxiety disorders. The amygdala is an almond-shaped structure deep in the brain that is believed to be a communications hub between the parts of the brain that process incoming sensory signals and the parts that interpret these signals. It can alert the rest of the brain that a threat is present and trigger a fear or anxiety response. The emotional memories stored in the central part of the amygdala may play a role in anxiety disorders involving very distinct fears, such as fears of dogs, spiders, or flying. The hippocampus is the part of the brain that encodes threatening events into memories.” (2)


Sometimes the things worried about are real and sometimes trivial, but the anxiety experienced can be all-consuming and affect one’s quality of life.


Major symptoms include:


  • Agitation

  • Dysphoria (a profound state of unease or dissatisfaction)

  • Sleep disturbances (falling or staying asleep or not being satisfied by sleep)

  • Fatigue

  • Problems with Concentration and “going blank.”

  • Restlessness

  • Irritability

  • Worry

  • Anxiety

  • Tension

  • Muscle Tension


The condition is not to be taken lightly. Anxiety disorders can affect all ages and walks of life.


Anxiety can come from an unhealthy response when there is no real threat

Depression can lead to feelings of hopelessness, loss of motivation and possibly suicide.

Mental Health: What is Depression

If untreated, anxiety can lead to severe depression, which may result in loss of interest in life, loss of appetite, loss of self-esteem, and even suicide. Depression is a state of low mood and aversion to activity that can affect a person’s thoughts, behaviour, feelings and sense of well-being. Depressed people can feel sad, anxious, empty, hopeless, worried, helpless, worthless, guilty, alone, irritable, hurt, or restless. They may lose interest in activities that were once pleasurable, experience loss of appetite or overeating, have problems concentrating, remembering details or making decisions as though in a brain fog. Other symptoms include insomnia, excessive sleeping, fatigue, aches and pains, digestive problems, or reduced energy may occur.

Depression can result from a feeling of hopelessness or “no way out” in dealing with anxiety and stress. Depression results in a loss of motivation, very low energy, and a sense of giving up. Consequently, those who experience depression may also contemplate, attempt, or commit suicide.

Over the past while, the issues of anxiety and depression have become headlines in the media with the tragic, high-profile suicides of seemingly successful people such as the chef Anthony Bourdain, designer Kate Spade and actor Robin Williams. However, PEMF can help with the issues of depression and anxiety by normalizing brain function.

Traditional Treatment for Mental Health

Therapy for stress, anxiety and depression

Traditionally therapy is employed when treating depression, anxiety and stress. There are many individual and group therapies, mostly aimed at teaching the individual to confront their fears as a coping mechanism. These require a significant time commitment, and it may take several rounds to focus on the most effective area. However, not all causes are phycological, and even ones that still involve the chemistry of the brain.


Medication for stress, anxiety and depression

Therefore, medications are employed to treat mental health and normalize the brain's chemistry. Myriads of drugs are manufactured to alter the chemistry of the brain to treat anxiety and stress.


Some medications are designed to block the reabsorption of serotonin to improve mood. However, the side effects include insomnia or sleepiness, sexual dysfunction, weight gain, stomach upset, headaches, increased blood pressure, etc.. In addition, anxiety can be a side effect and can mitigate the benefit of the medication.


Other medications such as Benzodiazepines (alprazolam, clonazepam, diazepam, valium and lorazepam) are designed to promote calming and relaxation, plus reduce physical symptoms of anxiety such as muscle tension. These drugs work on the brain the same way opioids such as heroin and cannabinoids such as cannabis do by turning on the dopamine hormone in the brain. However, many of these are not tolerated well and will lead to dependence.


Due to the problems with the Benzodiazepines, other antidepressants are used, which include the tricyclic family. These side effects include dropping in blood pressure when standing up (orthostatic hypotension), constipation, urinary retention, dry mouth, and blurry vision.

Many medical solutions only add to the anxiety of the person suffering. Therefore, we would like to take a moment to consider how PEMF can help with stress, anxiety and depression.


Medications are typically prescribed but can cause more problems due to long lasting side effects.

The anti-stress protocols have been noted to reduce hypertension

PEMF a viable treatment for stress

Stress affects multiple systems in the body, and PEMF can help in these areas by activating the relaxation systems in the body. Medically this is known as the parasympathetic nervous system. Stress and anxiety cause the production of hormones that drive the body into a state of readiness.


Research has shown that daily PEMF therapy can alter stress responses by acting directly on the nervous system, glands, cells, tissues, and organs. For example, PEMF has been shown to inhibit the activation of the sympathetic nervous system and adrenal glands.


PEMF can help reduce the production of natural stress hormones such as cortisol and aldosterone, calming the body. It also works on the kidneys and the brain’s hypothalamus to trigger the production of anti-stress hormones. Remember, the body is a chemical, electrical machine, and electrical signals trigger chemical reactions, which cause a heightened sense of urgency and anxiety. PEMF can help restore the body to its normal “rest state.” 


With the sustained use of pulsed magnetic therapies, the excitability of the nervous system also decreases, and emotional reactions accompanying stress are corrected. Long-term use of PEMF may help the body remodel tissues that tend to be hyper-reactive to chronic or acute stress so that, over time, they will become less and less reactive.


Curatron has very effective treatments to relieve anxiety and stress and treat post-traumatic stress. The anti-stress protocols have been noted to reduce hypertension, and a doctor reported the following success regarding a patient:


“Blood pressure was 148/93. The patient was anxious looking, he is known hypertensive with sub optimal control. We put him on PEMF (anti-anxiety) for 30 min. His blood pressure dropped to 132/78, he says he felt calmer than when he got to the clinic.” (Dr. L. Adebayo.)


Bringing the patient’s blood pressure from “high” to an “ideal/pre-high” blood pressure was very beneficial to the patient and reduced his anxiety significantly. Anxiety triggers migraines, so both the trigger (cause) and the migraine (effect) can be treated.


Curatron has settings built in, such as anti-anxiety, anti-stress, relaxation, and depression. Often a person will feel a release of tension in the stomach area (where stress is usually held), followed by relief and relaxation during a PEMF treatment for stress.


Curatron PEMF is non-addictive and can help calm the nervous system and help provide balance without medication or unhealthy habits.

PEMF for Anxiety and Depression

PEMF helps the brain cope with anxiety by reducing the hormones and neurotransmitters that keep the body in a constant state of readiness. Being in a state of readiness when not in danger can be interpreted as “being on edge”.


Clinical studies record the effect of PEMF on Generalized Anxiety Disorders:


“…studies have found low-energy emission therapy to be effective in the treatment of chronic insomnia, and suggests that it may also be of value for patients suffering from generalized anxiety disorders.” (3)


PEMF restored Circadian Rhythms


A German study found that PEMF can help restore the body’s natural circadian rhythms. “Circadian” comes from the Latin word circa, meaning “around” (where we get our word circle from), and dium, the Latin word for day. The body has a 24-hour rhythm that ebbs and flows like the ocean’s tides. These rhythms are influenced by light and darkness and dictate sleep and eating patterns. Unfortunately, many stimuli disrupt the natural circadian rhythms in our modern world. PEMF can help stabilize circadian rhythms. This can help with disrupted sleep, which could result from jet lag, stress, and anxiety.


Depression and PEMF


Studies show that bipolar depressed patients have significantly improved symptoms with PEMF treatment. PEMF is helpful across a wide range of forms of depression. PEMF stimulates the neurons to vibrate at the frequency of the earth’s circadian rhythms and stimulates electrical activity in the brain, changing the neuronal networks and thereby altering the mood, reducing depression and anxiety. Energy medicine is non-addictive.


A 2016 study into PEMF for depression reported:


Weak magnetic fields influence divergent neurobiological processes. The antidepressant effect of tPEMF may be specifically attributable to its effects on local brain activity and connectivity. (4)


Benefits have also been found for depression and Parkinson’s disease. In an article entitled “The Image-Guided Electromagnetic Therapy” edited by Dr. Markov we are told:


“Today (2002) we are at a threshold for the acceptance of electromagnetic therapy as a clinically accepted form of therapy for such diverse diseases as unipolar depression, Parkinson’s disease, and sleep disorders and the treatment of debilitating chronic and acute pain.” (5)


PEMF is drastically more effective than antidepressant drugs as it adjusts the brain’s chemistry without foreign substances and the dangerously addictive side effects they create. In addition, it helps relieve symptoms of anxiety such as insomnia, and sleep disorders due to an overactive brain fixated on phobias, as we find in another study entitled Potential Therapeutic Applications of Nonthermal Electromagnetic Fields:


 “…detail clinical findings for treatment of depression and mood management, reduction in anxiety, and treatment of insomnia. Electrical energy stimulators that deliver very low-level EMF (electro-magnetic fields) have been reported to be clinically effective in the alteration of neurobioechemicals including serotonin and cortisol. Depression, mood disorders and insomnia have been related to disregulation of serotonin levels. Use of EMFs to reduce symptoms of depression, anxiety and insomnia are authorized by the FDA, and have been in use since the 1970’s. Shealy reports that transcranial stimulation by EMFs led to a significant relief of depression in 85% of patients who had failed pharmacological agents, and was at least twice as effective as any known antidepressant drugs and without complications.” (6)


The evidence of effective treatment without side effects is widespread throughout the medical community.


Curatron’s low-frequency, high-power devices can penetrate deep within the brain to produce the results researchers, scientists, and doctors have discussed.


 Another study states:


“…transcranial magnetic stimulation can produce therapeutic effects equivalent to those of electroconvulsive therapy but without the dangerous side effects.” (7)


The Curatron has the power to penetrate through the bone of the skull and stimulate the neurons. Most PEMF devices will work to treat the blood, provide oxygenation etc., as the blood will circulate throughout the body every 20 seconds. However, a controlled sinusoidal wave is required to treat brain cells and internal organs. Other devices (spark gap devices) have power but not the ability to control it or sustain it.


Curatron treats many symptoms of anxiety and depression with software featuring pre-programmed settings such as anti-anxiety, depression, stress, relaxation, relaxation EEG waves, stomach relaxation, sleep disturbances, sedation, phobia, etc.



circadian rhythm_800.jpg

PEMF can restore circadian rhythms which govern the body's 24 hour clock.

We are at a threshold for the acceptance of electromagnetic therapy as a clinically accepted form of therapy for such diverse diseases as unipolar depression...

Curatron PEMF for Stress, Anxiety
and Depression

The Curatron 3D with the butterfly coil applicator goes a step further and treats specific brain disorders such as Alzheimer’s, Depression, Neuropathic Pain, Parkinson’s, and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Syndrome. The 160,000 MicroTesla power in the Curatron penetrates the brain with low-frequency energy medicine, stimulating neurons without introducing foreign substances and the side effects and addictions they can cause.

When dealing with these complex issues, sometimes introduced by psychological events but translating into electrical-chemical signals in the body, Curatron PEMF is a viable and powerful tool to consider as either an alternative or a complementary therapy. Stress, anxiety, and depression can be debilitating, but PEMF can help clear the mental fog and get the neurons firing once again.




  1. Dr. Mercola, What Anxiety Does to Your Brain and What You Can Do About It. December 05, 2013.

  2. National Institute of Mental Health –

  3. C. Guilleminault B. Pasche, Clinical Effects of Low Energy Emission Therapy, Bioelectromagnetics Society, 15th Annual Meeting, 13-17 June 1993, Los Angeles, CA, pp 84.

  4. Van Belkum SM, Bosker FJ, Kortekaas R, Beersma DG, Schoevers RA, “Treatment of depression with low-strength transcranial pulsed electromagnetic fields: A mechanistic point of view.”, Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry. 2016 Nov 3;71:137-43. doi: 10.1016/j.pnpbp.2016.07.006. Epub 2016 Jul 21.

  5. Prato FS. Image-Guided Electromagnetic Therapy. Bioelectromagnetic Medicine. 2004, Rosch PJ and Markov MS, editors, pp 51.

  6. Adey, WR. Potential Therapeutic Applications of Nonthermal Electromagnetic Fields: Ensemble Organization of Cells in Tissue as a Factor in Biological Field Sensing. Bioelectromagnetic Medicine. 2004, Rosch PJ and Markov MS, editors, pp 1.

  7. M.T. Kirkcaldie, et al., Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation as Therapy for Depression and Other Disorders,” Australia – New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 31(2), April 1997, pp 264-272.

  8. T. Zyss, “Will Electroconvulsive Therapy Induce Seizures: Magnetic Brain Stimulation as Hypothesis of a New Psychiatric Therapy,” Psychiatry Pol, 26(6), November-December 1992, pp 531-541

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PEMF-TECH is dedicated to bringing the best PEMF technology and information in the industry throughout the globe. PEMF-TECH researches applications for PEMF based on scientific and medical studies throughout the world. Our goal is to educate doctors, health care professionals, practitioners, sports therapists, and health conscious individuals.

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Curatron products have been approved by health authorities as medical therapy for human applications in the European Community and are certified as medical devices according to the Medical Device Directive. The products are manufactured according to ISO 13485 for Good Manufacturing Practice. In North America the Curatron devices have not been evaluated by the FDA and the products do not claim to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any medical condition. The information provided on this website is not medical advice and readers are encouraged to obtain the help, services and recommendations of doctors and other licensed medical practitioners. By continuing to use this website you agree to our privacy policy.

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