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PEMF for Concussion and
Neurological Injuries


Concussions and Brian Injuries

A dangerous and common sports injury is a concussion. A concussion is occurs when trauma such as a direct blow to the head, or an indirect blow to the body, causes the brain, which is encased in cerebral spinal fluid, to hit the cranium causing brain damage which results in neurological impairments

Symptoms usually reflect a functional disturbance to the brain, and may include physical (e.g., headaches, nausea), cognitive (e.g., difficulty with concentration or memory), emotional (e.g., irritability, sadness), and ‘maintenance’ (e.g., sleep disturbances, changes in appetite or energy levels) symptoms. A concussion is considered a brain injury.


A dangerous and common sports injury is a concussion. A concussion is trauma to the brain that comes from a direct hit to the head, or a hit to the body that will cause neurological damage (brain damage). A concussion can bring on headaches and vomiting, but also more subtle issues such as difficulty concentrating or remembering information (cognitive impairment). Concussions can also affect mood by inducing irritability or sadness. They also effect sleep and can sap energy levels.

The Neurons of the Brain

Neurons are the central nervous system’s core components, including the brain and spinal cord. They also make up the ganglia of the peripheral nervous system.

Neurons are electrically excitable cells that process and transmit information through electrical and chemical signals. Neurons connect to form neural networks. For example, sensory neurons respond to touch, sound, light and all other stimuli affecting the cells of the sensory organs that then send signals to the spinal cord and brain. Motor neurons receive signals from the brain and spinal cord and cause muscle contractions and affect glandular outputs. Inter-neurons connect neurons to other neurons within the same region of the brain or spinal cord in neural networks.


The brain is the control centre for the central nervous system. It is a complex organ that directs the activity of all other body components. The brain is composed of different lobes that are responsible for various functions. 


All neurons are electrically excitable, maintaining voltage gradients across their membranes employing metabolically driven ion pumps. Changes in the cross-membrane voltage can alter the function of voltage-dependent ion channels. If the voltage changes by a large enough amount, an all-or-nothing electrochemical pulse called an action potential is generated. This travels rapidly along the cell’s axon and activates synaptic connections with other cells when it arrives.


PEMF assists neurological disorders by stimulating neurons and brain cells to return to normal functioning frequencies.


Concussion Brain

Dr. Norman Doidge, MD writes about the ability of the brain to heal itself through a process called neuroplasticity


For many years scientists have likened the human brain to a huge supercomputer, a physiologically static organ with hard-wired circuits. It was believed that sections of the brain were responsible for certain “processes” and if they were damaged these processes were permanently affected. For many years patients were treated this way. Dr. Norman Doidge in his book “The Brain that Changes Itself” writes the following:


“The scientific mind-set at the time assumed that the brain’s structure is fixed, and that our senses, the avenues by which experience gets into our minds are hardwired. This idea, which still has many adherents, is called “localizationism.” It’s closely related to the idea that the brain is like a complex machine, made up of parts, each of which performs a special mental function and exists in a genetically predetermined or hardwired location — hence the name. A brain that is hardwired, and in which each mental function has a strict location, leaves no room for plasticity… if one of those parts was damaged, nothing could be done to replace it; after all, machines don’t grow new parts.” (Doidge, Norman MD (2007). The Brain That Changes Itself: Stories of Personal Triumph from the frontiers of brain science. p13-14)


However, studies into development of the brain have uncovered the ability of the brain to rewire itself, termed neuroplasticity. The brain can remap itself after injury, even in adults.


Research has discovered brain activity for a given function can move to a different locating of the brain following injury:


“If you are driving from here to Milwaukee and the main bridge goes out, first you are paralyzed. Then you take old secondary roads through the farmland. Then you use these roads more; you find shorter paths to use to get where you want to go, and you start to get there faster. These “secondary” neural pathways are “unmasked” or exposed and strengthened as they are used. The “unmasking” process is generally thought to be one of the principal ways in which the plastic brain reorganizes itself.” (Doidge, Norman MD (2007). The Brain That Changes Itself: Stories of Personal Triumph from the frontiers of brain science. p9)


Dr. Doidge writes about Dr Merzenich’s theories on neuroplasticity:


“Merzenich’s new theory was that neurons in brain maps develop strong connections tone another when they are activated at the same moment in time. And if maps could change, thought Merzenich, then there was reason to hope that people born with problems in brain map-processing areas — people with learning problems, psychological problems, strokes, or brain injuries ­— might be able to form new maps if he could help them form new neuronal connections, by getting their healthy neurons to fire together and wire together.” (Doidge, Norman MD (2007). The Brain That Changes Itself: Stories of Personal Triumph from the frontiers of brain science. p63)

Dr Merzenich author of theory on brain maps.

In his second book “The Brain’s Way of Healing,” documents cases of patients who have taught their brains to deal with the damage restoring normal function to their lives through training and utilizing the brain’s neuroplasticity, or its ability to re-wire itself. This is true of degenerative diseases as well as sports injuries.

Nerve Injury

Nerve injuries occur when there is damage to the nervous system.


Neuropraxia is one type of nerve damage where the myelin sheath is affected, causing an interruption in the messages being sent down the nerve fibre. However, the axon of the nerve (which receives the messages) is still intact, allowing partial messages to be accepted.
Axonotmesis involves injury to the neuronal axon and can cause paralysis, where motor and sensory function loss is experienced, as messages cannot be received. This usually occurs in crush injuries. However, the axon can sometimes regenerate, leading to recovery. To do this, the nerve fibres must bridge the gap between the severed nerves.


Neurotmesis is the complete loss of nerve activity due to a complete break in the nerve, which damages the nervous fibre and the axon. It usually results in total loss of motor, sensory, and autonomic (subconscious transmission of information) nerve functions.


Nerve regeneration is accelerated with PEMF, which stimulates the rebuilding of the nerve components to reconnect and regenerate at a much advanced rate. Curatron has settings such as neuritis, neuropathy, stroke recovery, neuropathic pain.


The axion of the nerve where messages are received and sent

Curatron 3D for  Brain Healing

The Curatron has the ability to penetrate deep into the skull and stimulate the brain tissue to operate more efficiently. This is critical in cases of neuroplasticity as the re-wiring of the brain circuitry requires the cells to function at optimal performance. The Curatron 3D envelopes the body in a bath of pulsed electro magnetic fields of upto 50,000 microTesla. When treating with the 3D and Butterfly Coil a penetration of 160,000 microTesla can be achieved. The Curatron 2000 XPSE and the Curatron 2000 PC will deliver a 100,000 microTesla energy medicine dose with the Very High Energy Coil (Type B). PEMF can reach the brain and stimulate the neurons to facilitate neuroplsticity and assist the treatment of injuries to the brain.


To penetrate deep into the brain and treat concussions, the Curatron 3D is recommended. It has pre-programmed settings under the “brain disorders” settings.

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PEMF-TECH is dedicated to bringing the best PEMF technology and information in the industry throughout the globe. PEMF-TECH researches applications for PEMF based on scientific and medical studies throughout the world. Our goal is to educate doctors, health care professionals, practitioners, sports therapists, and health conscious individuals.

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Curatron products have been approved by health authorities as medical therapy for human applications in the European Community and are certified as medical devices according to the Medical Device Directive. The products are manufactured according to ISO 13485 for Good Manufacturing Practice. In North America the Curatron devices have not been evaluated by the FDA and the products do not claim to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any medical condition. The information provided on this website is not medical advice and readers are encouraged to obtain the help, services and recommendations of doctors and other licensed medical practitioners. By continuing to use this website you agree to our privacy policy.

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