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Treating Lupus with PEMF

Butterfly rash across the face is a typical symptom of lupus.

What is Lupus?

Lupus is a defined as an autoimmune disease, which causes the bodies immune system to attack healthy tissue. The body’s immune system is designed to attack foreign substances such as viruses, bacteria, etc, by releasing antibodies. However, in the case of Lupus the immune system attacks healthy tissue in the body. Although the cause of Lupus has not been proven, it is believed to be caused by either genetic issues or by environmental conditions.


Symptoms of Lupus

The most common form of Lupus is systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) which effects the internal organs and can do damage to the heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, blood vessels, the joints and the nervous system.

Lupus manifests itself in ways which are often mistaken for other illnesses. Complaints include fever, general feeling of illness (malaise), joint pains, muscle pain (myalgias), and fatigue.


Key indicators include the following:

Most sufferers of lupus (70%) experience skin disorders including wounds (lesions) or thick dry red patches on their skin. Some show more like rashes, others will have more defined edges. A butterfly rash on the cheeks is often associated with the disease. Ulcers also occur in the mouth, mouth urinary tract and vagina, and hair loss is also a potential outcome.


Another common condition is joint pain throughout the body, but especially focused in the hands and wrists. Muscle pain is also associated with the disease and 90% of people with lupus will experience either muscle or joint pain. Muscle fatigue is common.


The circulatory system is affected in several of ways. Swelling (inflammation) of the sac surrounding the heart (known as the pericardium) is common, causing chest pain, and is often a result of virus or bacteria buildup. The heart muscle is also inflamed (myocarditis), which can result in chest pain and heart attack. The valves of the heart can be inflamed (endocarditis), and the artery walls can become thickened (atherosclerosis).


Low white blood cell and platelet counts result from either the disease or as a side effect of medications used to treat it (as they suppress the immune system).


The lungs become inflamed (pleurisy) causing various diseases including blockages of the main artery from the lung (pulmonary embolism), bleeding in the lungs (pulmonary hemorrhage), and increased blood pressure in the lungs (pulmonary hypertension). Kidney damage can also take place and will be identified by blood in the urine, and eventual kidney failure is possible.


The nervous system is also effected with disorders such as headaches, mood disorders, depression, seizures, mental health issues (cognitive disorders) such as memory loss, problem solving issues, anxiety, losing touch with reality (psychosis), and possibly dementia.


Further than this disease can occur in the blood vessels supplying the brain (cerebrovascular disease), which can result in strokes.


One of the key symptoms is fatigue, which results from a combination of the issues discussed above.

Traditional Treatment

Traditionally Lupus is treated with immunosuppression, which is designed can take the form of medication, radiation or in some cases surgery to remove the spleen. Blood filtering by a procedure called plasmapheresis is also used to remove autoantibodies from the circulation. Highly toxic drugs such as Cyclophosphamide are used to treat Lupus, but they have serious side effects including leukemia, cancer, inflammation of the bladder causing bleeding (haemorrhagic cystitis), and infertility. 


Another system of treatment is with Corticosteroid steroid hormones, which again have serous side effects such as high blood pressure (hypertension), low potassium levels in the blood (hypokalemia), high sodium levels in the blood (hypernatremia), delayed wound healing and ulcers.


Blood filtering by a procedure called plasmapheresis is also used to remove autoantibodies from the circulation

Overcome Chronic
Fatigue with PEMF

PEMF and Lupus

Curatron’s PEMF is an effective way of treating these complex symptoms presented by Lupus. Often lupus sufferers are presented with simultaneous debilitating symptoms which can greatly impact the quality of life.


A full body Curatron system will improve peripheral circulation and oxygenation and consequently strengthen the body’s natural resistance. Muscle and joint pain can be effectively relieved without high doses of pharmaceuticals that rob people of mental clarity. (See our article on Managing Pain with PEMF)


Curatron PEMF boosts natural ability of the body to heal and treat inflammation. Debilitating headaches and other nervous related symptoms are treated by stimulation of the nervous system, and the release of natural endorphins.


A person’s ability to cope and possibly overcome fatigue is greatly increased because the body is energized.


While PEMF is not a cure, when used on an ongoing basis it can work to improve quality of life without the dangerous side effects of toxic pharmaceuticals.


The Russian Research Institute made a summary of studies dealing with PEMF and Lupus:


This review article examined the data concerning impulsed magnetic fields in the treatment of lupus erythematosus. Studies indicate that the treatment can be beneficial due to its anti–inflammatory and analgesic effects, its positive action on microcirculation, and immunological reactivity. (I.V. Khamaganova, et al., “The Use of a Pulsed Magnetic Field in the Treatment of Lupus Erythematosus,” Ter Arkh, 67(10), 1995, p. 84-87).

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Curatron products have been approved by health authorities as medical therapy for human applications in the European Community and are certified as medical devices according to the Medical Device Directive. The products are manufactured according to ISO 13485 for Good Manufacturing Practice. In North America the Curatron devices have not been evaluated by the FDA and the products do not claim to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any medical condition. The information provided on this website is not medical advice and readers are encouraged to obtain the help, services and recommendations of doctors and other licensed medical practitioners. By continuing to use this website you agree to our privacy policy.

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