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Dental Infection Treated with PEMF


PEMF can restore teeth to health by reducing dental infection, inflammation and pain.

Anatomy of a Tooth

PEMF can restore infected teeth to health by reducing dental infection, decreasing inflammation and eliminating pain. PEMF can work with antibacterial agents to assist in dentistry, whether at the office or home.

The tooth’s visible part is called the crown, coated on the outside with white enamel. Below these are the roots anchoring the tooth into the jaw bone, and they are covered with cementum. Underneath the crown and the roots is a hard layer called dentin. Below the dentin is a soft tissue called the pulp. The pulp contains the blood vessels, the nerves and connective tissue. The pulp is made up of living connective tissue and cells called odontoblasts. Leading from the tooth’s centre (coronal pulp chamber) to the roots are extensions of the pulp chamber called the root canals (radicular pulp chamber). The pulp is critical during the development of the tooth as it nourishes the surrounding tissues for growth. The pulp tissue is less important once the tooth is fully matured.

Infection Inside the Tooth

Cracks in teeth can allow bacteria in which infect the pulp causing inflammation and pain.

The pulp inside the tooth can become infected and inflamed for several reasons such as an injury to the tooth, tooth decay, too many dental procedures, chips and cracks in a tooth, or gum disease. If the tooth is chipped or cracked, bacteria enter the pulp and cause infection. The infection can lead to inflammation, which can cause pain and possibly a collection of puss (periodontal abscess).


Infection happens when bacteria (a form of a pathogen) enter the body.


Inflammation is the body’s protective response against infection. When the body is infected, white blood cells (called Lymphocytes) fight infection and cause inflammation in the process. The four signs of inflammation include warmth, redness, swelling and pain.


There are two types of white blood cells the body sends to fight infection; these are called Lymphocytes:


  • The B-cells are responsible for the production of antibodies that attack bacteria and toxins.

  • The T-Cells which help destroy infected cells


Tooth pain is typically caused by inflammation, putting pressure on nerves, or nerves that are inflamed directly.


Pulp inside the tooth

Fighting Tooth Infection

If an infection is caught early on, the tooth can be saved. Dentists often treat tooth infections with antibiotics. However, some are opposed to antibiotics due to the antibiotic-resistant bacteria that are becoming more common. PEMF can fill this void by working alongside antibacterial support systems such as colloidal silver.

The crown of a tooth is drilled and the pulp inside the tooth is filed away.

A Root Canal


The infection is exposed by drilling through the tooth’s crown into the pulp chamber. A file is inserted into the pulp chamber, and the tooth’s roots and the infected pulp is scraped off with a special file. The remaining space is filled and sealed. The tooth will then have a protective crown placed on top to cover the drill hole. The goal of the procedure is to keep the tooth functional and cosmetically appealing.


Sometimes the damage caused by infection is too deep, and the enamel may be too frail to withstand the procedure, leading to tooth loss. Occasionally, an abscess can develop at the tooth’s root if some infected material remains behind and the antibiotics are insufficient.

PEMF for Dental Treatment

PEMF will increase the microcirculation in the tooth by decreasing the Rouleau effect in the blood. In addition, PEMF positively charges blood cells allowing them to flow freely and deliver oxygen, nutrients and the small white blood cells to fight the infection. (See PEMF and Blood flow).


The following study on the use of Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy to Promote Healing and Microcirculation stated:


By the end of the treatment period, there was an 18% decrease in wound size in the active PEMF group as compared with a 10% decrease in the control group. The PEMF group demonstrated significant cumulative increase in cutaneous capillary blood velocity (by 28%) and 14% increase in capillary diameter. In contrast, the control group showed a decrease in both capillary blood velocity and diameter. Conclusion: In this study, PEMF therapy seemed to accelerate wound healing and improve microcirculation. (1)


The army brought to fight infection will stop working once the infection is gone. Signal molecules give the cells commands to fight infection, destroy damaged cells and replace them with healthy cells. Once this work is complete, the signal must be sent for the attack cells to retreat. Usually, this will lead to inflammation disappearing. In some conditions, however, inflammation will continue with no resolution leading to further damage.


Once the infection is removed, PEMF can reduce inflammation. It stimulates signal cells to call off the attack and return the body to normal.


The Journal of Medical Research and Science published an article entitled “Mechanisms of Action And Effects of Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields (PEMF) in Medicine,” which stated the following about the process:


What is observed macroscopically is the reduction of inflammation, pain, edema, and complete tissue regeneration, including neovascularization and remodelling of the extracellular matrix up to complete restoration of the injured tissue. All the cells involved in an injury respond to the action of PEMF, including endothelial cells (which will rebuild the injured blood vessels), fibroblasts (which will proliferate and repair the injured extracellular matrix), muscle cells, chondrocytes, and osteoblasts (which will undergo a more rapid and efficient proliferation).


The activity of the cells of the immune system, in particular the inflammatory component, is instead sedated (lowering of the levels of interleukins) and the activation of monocytes to macrophages is favoured to clean the injured area from microorganisms, foreign bodies, and dead cells. Ultimately, of the possible outcomes of acute inflammation, i.e. necrosis, chronic inflammation, and healing, PEMF blocks the first two and favours the regenerative outcomes of cells and tissues. (2)


If you combine PEMF with the antibacterial properties of colloidal silver, you have a powerful antibacterial therapy that will work with the Lymphocytes to finish the job, and then reduce the inflammation when the work is complete.

PEMF for Dental Pain

PEMF also works to reduce pain during this process. Pain is an electrical message that is sent through the nervous system. When the message reaches the axions, it is transformed into a chemical message once the voltage drops to a specific threshold. At this point, the message is transferred from axion to axion by releasing chemicals, sending the pain message up to the central nervous system. PEMF can prevent the voltage change and stop the pain message from being carried on to help with short-term pain relief.


Long-term pain relief is gained by reducing infection and subsequently inflammation which triggers the pain message in the first place. (see Pain and PEMF).


Nerve Axion

Curatron Protocols for Teeth

Curatron systems have built-in protocols to assist with the process of fighting dental infection, reducing inflammation, and relieving tooth pain. The XPSE system has protocols for infection, inflammation and pain relief in its set of protocols.  The PC and 3D Systems have protocols for a dental treatment combining all these issues in the computer software.





  1. Kwan RL, Wong WC, Yip SL, Chan KL, Zheng YP, Cheing GL. Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy promotes healing and microcirculation of chronic diabetic foot ulcers: a pilot study. Adv Skin Wound Care. 2015 May;28(5):212-9. doi: 10.1097/01.ASW.0000462012.58911.53. PMID: 25882659.

  2. Luigi C, Tiziano P (2020) Mechanisms of Action And Effects of Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields (PEMF) in Medicine. J Med Res Surg 1(6): pp. 1-4.

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Curatron products have been approved by health authorities as medical therapy for human applications in the European Community and are certified as medical devices according to the Medical Device Directive. The products are manufactured according to ISO 13485 for Good Manufacturing Practice. In North America the Curatron devices have not been evaluated by the FDA and the products do not claim to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any medical condition. The information provided on this website is not medical advice and readers are encouraged to obtain the help, services and recommendations of doctors and other licensed medical practitioners. By continuing to use this website you agree to our privacy policy.

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