The Curatron Ultra FLASH form of PEMF creates a “pulsed injection” of pain medicine. The effect will slowly dissipate after a few hours. In effect, the PEMF pain medicine is acting as a “nerve blocking” agent which “turns off” the pain signal to the brain. Curatron Ultra FLASH is mainly designed for very fast local pain relief lasting anywhere between hours and a few days.
This configuration has the factory installed software built in.
The Ultra-FLASH has the ability to connnect two applicators simultaneously. The Ultra-FLASH utilizes electronically controlled solid state semicondoctors which need no replacement.
At least one applicator must be purchased with the device.
Curatron Ultra FLASH Clinical with Software
- Dimensions unit 11.5” x 10” x 5”
- Unit weight 13.5 lbs.
- Includes ULTRA unit, power cord & test magnet
- Input voltage 115/230 volt
- Waveform: impulse
- Maximum intensity 7000 Gauss = 700 milli Tesla = .7 Tesla
- 10 Programs each 30 minutes (optional software is available)
- Pulse rate < 1 – 10 pulse/second
- Clock & program display built-in