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PEMF aids Osteonecrosis of the Jaw


Relief from Osteonecrosis

Ben Phillipson of Curatronic shared with us a letter he received from a lady suffering from osteonecrosis of the jaw. Osteonecrosis is bone (osteo) death (necrosis) of the jaw. Her jaw has healed and her pain has disappeared.

Graphic showing osteonecrosis of the jaw

I wanted to let you know how much relief the mat has provided me regarding the osteonecrosis of my jaw. I no longer have pain and my mouth has healed. I know that the electromagnetic pulsing the mat provides has helped in this situation.


There are so many others who have been diagnosed with this horrific condition.......caused by the greedy drug companies releasing drugs that are unfit for human well as the medical system that refuses to accept responsibility to look outside their paradigm and see that there are better ways for the body to heal than using drugs.


I am still looking for a way to remove the drugs from my bones to stop the necrosis process.........but feel that as long as I have the mat, I will be fine!


Thank you so much.........Your help has most likely saved my life.


Kathy W. USA

Read more about pain therapy and bone repair:

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PEMF-TECH is dedicated to bringing the best PEMF technology and information in the industry throughout the globe. PEMF-TECH researches applications for PEMF based on scientific and medical studies throughout the world. Our goal is to educate doctors, health care professionals, practitioners, sports therapists, and health conscious individuals.

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Curatron products have been approved by health authorities as medical therapy for human applications in the European Community and are certified as medical devices according to the Medical Device Directive. The products are manufactured according to ISO 13485 for Good Manufacturing Practice. In North America the Curatron devices have not been evaluated by the FDA and the products do not claim to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any medical condition. The information provided on this website is not medical advice and readers are encouraged to obtain the help, services and recommendations of doctors and other licensed medical practitioners. By continuing to use this website you agree to our privacy policy.

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