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Brainwave Entrainment with PEMF

Brain Waves

Curatron and Brainwave Entrainment.

Advances in medical science have enabled us to understand how the brain works and the different phases in which it operates. Curatron has utilized this know-how to entrain the brainwaves to desired frequencies. This technology has become known as PEMF bio-hacking.

Curatron has worked with doctors and scientists worldwide to take PEMF Brainwave Entrainment research to build it into its PC and 3D PEMF devices.

Curatron has developed a series of neuro-protocols to entrain the brain into the desired area of brainwave activity. The programs include Delta, Theta, Alpha, Beta and Gamma waves at various intensities and frequencies. For ease of use, an auto-sequence is included with each brainwave protocol.

If you aim to prepare the brain for higher concentration, you can utilize the Beta or Gamma settings. If you are trying to achieve a meditative and creative state, the Alpha setting is available to you.

The Delta and Theta settings are available for insomniacs looking to reintroduce restorative sleep into their lives. To make things simple to use, Curatron has created seven sleep programs at various intensities to entrain the brain through the various brainwaves from Beta down to Delta.

How the Brain Works

Humans are bio-electrical beings. The brain is an excellent example of a biological organ that operates through the use of complex electrical signals known as brain waves. 

An electroencephalogram (EEG) measures the electrical pulses emitted by the brain. Electrical pulses are measured in pulses (or cycles) per second and are known as Hertz (Hz). 

The development of digital electroencephalograms has enabled scientists to identify five types of brain waves: 

  1. Delta
  2. Theta

  3. Alpha

  4. Beta

  5. Gamma

The brain utilizes all five different types of waves at different times of the day. The Alpha, Theta, and Delta waves exist in the subconscious mind. Beta waves, and the newly discovered Gamma waves, exist in the conscious mind.

Delta brainwaves for sleep and healing

Delta brain waves are between 1Hz and 4Hz. Delta is the region of a deep sleep, where healing takes place. The human growth hormone is released at this phase. Often this is an area of detached awareness, where our dreams do not make much sense, (if dreams occur at all). This is the predominant brainwave of infants. Delta has between 0 and 10 thoughts per minute.  Read more about sleep


Theta brain waves for meditation and intuition

Theta brain waves are between 4Hz – 7Hz. Theta is the area of deep meditation, where intuitive ideas originate. This is the stage that is characterized by light sleep and rapid eye movement (REM), dreams and sometimes hallucinations. Often the theta stage begins to engage when we become drowsy, and the outside world disappears into the world of fantasy and daydreams (a). Theta waves are most dominant between the ages of 1 and 3. 

Theta is the creative state of our unconscious mind and is driven by emotion. It is also the place where our memories are housed, every experience we have is recorded here. There are typically 15 thoughts per minute in this phase.


Alpha brain waves for relaxation and creativity

Alpha brain waves are between 7Hz to 14Hz. We enter the alpha brain wave phase by closing our eyes and relaxing or engaging in non-visual thinking. We are still aware during this phase, but our awareness is expanded (b). Alpha is the place of creativity where our best ideas originate. Alpha is where we begin to visualize, often in pictures. This is a relaxed state of awareness where we can learn languages, solve problems, read faster, and memorize. Alpha waves in adults are typically between 9.5-12Hz (c). This is the gateway to the subconscious mind. Typically there are 30 thoughts per minute at this phase. 


Beta brain waves for concentration

Beta brain waves are between 14Hz and 34Hz. Your brain generates beta waves when we are awake, eyes open, and engaging in mental activities such as thinking or making calculations. Beta is characteristic of an actively engaged mind. It is where the brain’s neurons are giving off electrical signals very quickly. Beta is the stage of being wide awake, aware, alert and concentrating. We spend a lot of time during the day in the beta phase. According to Doctor Ellen Weber, “Beta brainwaves increase when we think logically, solve problems, and confront external stimuli.” (a). Often there are 60 thoughts per minute or higher at this level.  


Gamma brainwaves for maximum problem solving

Gamma brain waves have only been discovered recently with digital electroencephalography and are over 35Hz. Your brain generates gamma waves when your concentration is at its climax. The brain produces Gamma waves when it is the most highly engaged, and problem-solving is enhanced.

The Importance of Balancing your brain waves

The brain generates all five types of waves at various times during the day. No one wave is better than another; they all have their role to play. The challenge comes when we cannot shift gears either to slow the brain down (causing sleep deprivation) or to speed the brain up (lacking the ability to concentrate). 

An example is the inability of many people to get into or remain in the alpha state. Distractions often destroy the creativity available in the alpha state. Cell phones are disastrous to concentration because they fight with our creativity, taking our minds elsewhere with a multitude of distractions. Our cell phones elicit responses from us, training our brains to be reactive and not creative. 

Another example is the inability to gear down through the levels of brain activity and reach the Delta state, where healing and regeneration can occur.  

According to an article in Neuroscience entitled, “What is the function of the various brainwaves?” the following should happen when we go to sleep:

“When we go to bed and read for a few minutes before attempting sleep, we will likely be in low Beta. Then, when we put the book down, turn off the lights and close our eyes, our brainwaves will descend from Beta to Alpha, to Theta and finally, when we fall asleep, to Delta.”

According to the Mayo Clinic: 

“Insomnia is a common sleep disorder that can make it hard to fall asleep, hard to stay asleep, or cause you to wake up too early and not be able to get back to sleep.” 

Insomnia can prevent the body’s natural repair mechanism from engaging. There are multitudes of causes for insomnia and many more problems that arise. Studies show that lack of sleep can cause serious health problems such as inflammation(e), high blood pressure, diabetes (f), heart issues (g) and strokes. Depression is associated with lack of sleep (h), as are memory loss, weight gain, loss of concentration, and unhealthy changes to the body’s immune system. 

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Brain and nerves.

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Electroencephalogram (EEG ) charts

Traditional Brainwave Entrainment 

It has been understood for years that the human brain can be entrained or coerced into a brainwave phase by external stimuli such as light and sound.

For example, the brain of a person who has epilepsy can be entrained by a strobe light. A strobe light that resonates at the frequency of a seizure can entrain the brain and trigger a seizure. Conversely, yoga and other meditational practices can entrain the mind into a meditative state. Several studies were cited in the April-June 2020 edition of Heart And Mind:

“The frequency of brain wave activity is altered according to the state of consciousness and state of mind during meditation.” (i)

“Researchers observed increases of slow alpha in intermediate meditators, while advanced yoga meditators showed emergence of rhythmic theta waves.” (j)

Brainwave Entrainment with PEMF

While light and sound are external stimuli which can alter the frequency of brainwaves, PEMF can penetrate the brain and entrain the brain directly. 


The publication Bioelectromagnetics reported how Pulsed Electromagnetic fields can benefit deep sleep:


Following active treatment, there was a statistically significant decrease in sleep latency to stage B2, an increase in the duration of stage B2 sleep, and continuous recording of EEG patterns of well-established sleep (stages B and C, i.e., “deep sleep”). Additionally, subjects reached a deeper sleep stage following active as compared with inactive treatment. These different findings indicate that human brain activity, similarly to what has been observed in animals, may be modified by extremely low levels of amplitude-modulated electromagnetic fields. (k)

An additional study published in Advances in Therapy concluded the following when studying the effects of PEMF on insomnia:


“Seventy percent of the patients given active treatment experienced substantial or even complete relief of their complaints; 24% reported clear improvement…” (l)

The article described how this improvement was realized:


Magnetic fields affect the pineal gland, a magnetosensitive organ that “translates” information from the environment into an endocrine message mediated by the release of melatonin. Melatonin, the principal hormone of the pineal gland, shows a pronounced circadian and seasonal rhythmicity related to the light-dark cycle, which influences neural excitability. Moreover, the pineal gland is involved in the regulation of sleep phases and specifically in the circadian rhythms of rapid-eye-movement sleep. There is evidence that amplitude-modulated electromagnetic fields significantly decrease sleep latency and increase the total duration of some sleep stages…. The impulse magnetic-field therapy described herein may offer an attractive and efficacious alternative to pharmaceutical management of insomnia and should be further investigated. (l)

But what about changes in the other direction, gearing up the mind? Researchers concluded the following:


Our previous research showed that exposure of the hippo-campal slices to pulsed magnetic fields (PMFs) enhanced the amplitude of the evoked potentials….  The results support and extend our previous research indicating a significant influence of magnetic fields on hippocampal physiology. (m)

Translation: PEMF enhanced the amplitude of the brainwave. 

Studies in a variety of fields have confirmed these results. In 2016, the publication Advances in Bioresearch published findings in a study where PEMF was used with dyslexic children:


“The results indicate that theta rhythms in the exposed group decreased more significant in comparison to the sham (P<0.05). It is suggested that an increased performance to IVA in children with dyslexia was because of the magnetic field effect…” (n)

Research conducted around the world has supplied Curatron with the necessary information to build its own neuro programs. 

PEMF & Insomnia

70% of the patients given active treatment experienced substantial or even complete relief of their complaints; 24% reported clear improvement

Devices for Brainwave Entrainment

Both the Curatron PC with the Very High Coil B and the Curatron 3D with the Butterfly Coil have the software to entrain the brain using the Neuroprotocols. 



(a) B. Brown, New Mind-New Body, Bio-feedback: New Directions for the Mind. New York, Harper and Row, (1974)

(b) M Lehmann and M. Koukkou. Classes of spontaneous private experience and ongoing EEG activity. In Rhythmic EEG Activities and Cortical Functioning, Eds. G Pfurtscheller, P Buser, F Lopes De Silva, In Developments in Neuroscience Vol. 10 (1980) p 289-297

(c) H Petsche, N S Kaplan, A V Stein, O Filz, The possible meaning of the upper and lower alpha frequency ranges for cognitive and creative tasks, Institute of Neurophysiology, University of Vienna, Währingerstr, In International Journal of Psychophysiology (1997), vol. 26, no1-3, pp. 77-97

(d) Dr Ellen Weber, Waves of Brainpower and Electricity, (2006)

(e) Kasasbeh, E. & Chi, D. S. & Krishnaswamy, G. (2006). Inflammatory aspects of sleep apnea and their cardiovascular consequences. Southern Medical Journal 99 (1): 58–67. Review.

(f) Knutson, K. & Ryden, A. & Mander, B. & Van Cauter, E. (2006). Role of Sleep Duration and Quality in the Risk and Severity of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Archives of Internal Medicine 166 (16): 1768–1774. 

(g) Bounhoure, J. & Galinier, M. & Didier A. & Leophonte P. (2005). Sleep apnea syndromes and cardiovascular disease. Bull Academy of National Medicine 189 (3): 445–459. Review.

(h) Baglioni, C. et al. (2011). Insomnia as a predictor of depression: A meta-analytic evaluation of longitudinal epidemiological studies. Journal of Affective Disorders 135 (1–3): 10–19

(i) Bharadwaj I, Kulshrestha A. Effect of yogic intervention on blood pressure and alpha- EEG level of working women. Indian J Tradit Knowl 2013; 12:542-6

(j) Hardt JV. Alpha EEG feedback: Closer parallel with zen than with yoga. Biocybernaut Institute 1993;5:1-3.

(k) M. Reite, L. Higgs, J.-P. Lebet, A. Barbault, C. Rossel, N. Kuster, U. Dafni, D. Amato, and B. Pasche. (1994) Sleep Inducing Effect of Low Energy Emission Therapy. Bioelectromagnetics 15:67-75 (1994) 

(l) Rainer B. Pelka, Ph.D. (Universität der Bundeswehr München Neubiberg/Munich, Germany), Christof Jaenicke, M.D.

Joerg Gruenwald, Ph.D. (PhytoPharm Consulting

Institute for Phytopharmaceuticals Berlin, Germany). 2001. Advances in Therapy, Volume 17, No. 4, July/August 2001.

(m) Zaghloul Ahmed (Department of Physical Therapy, The College of Staten Island, USA), Andrzej Wieraszko (Department of Biology and CSI/IBR Center for Developmental Neuroscience, The College of Staten Island, New York, USA). 2008. The mechanism of magnetic field-induced increase of excitability in hippocampal neurons. Science Direct Brain Research.

(n) Y Zandi Mehran, R Firoozi Khojastefar, N Z Mehran, M Karimi, R Rostami, M Firoozabadi .Facilitation in Dyslexia Neurofeedback Therapy Using Local Influence of Combined DC and AC Extremely Low Frequency Exposure: A pilot study. Adv. Biores. Vol 7 [5] September 2016:80‐89. DOI: 10.15515/abr.0976‐4585.7.5.8089 

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Curatron products have been approved by health authorities as medical therapy for human applications in the European Community and are certified as medical devices according to the Medical Device Directive. The products are manufactured according to ISO 13485 for Good Manufacturing Practice. In North America the Curatron devices have not been evaluated by the FDA and the products do not claim to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any medical condition. The information provided on this website is not medical advice and readers are encouraged to obtain the help, services and recommendations of doctors and other licensed medical practitioners. By continuing to use this website you agree to our privacy policy.

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